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About Me

         My name is Justin Garvin, and I was born in Clovis, California to a family of four and lived with my mother, father, and two older brothers. I moved to Raleigh, North Carolina during the seventh-grade due to my father accepting a new job as a prosthetic manufacturer. Currently I go to school at Heritage High School as a sophomore. I currently taking a drafting class, and in my second semester I plan to take a game art and design class. In my free time I also play a lot of video games and feel I have a pretty good understanding of them. I've been playing them my entire life

          I vary interested in video games and the idea that I could make them or be part of the process to create them. I also plan on taking programming classes so that could also be a very good opportunity. For almost a little more than a month now I have been helping my mom, who recently had surgery on her foot, with almost all things in the house or out of it in places like her classroom. As far as leadership goes I tend to sway away from leadership positions, but during my sixth grade camping trip I led my team on a hiking expedition to third place out of about 16 groups. In the past my family has also donated gifts to the young and needy for charities like toys for tots.

          In the future I see myself going into the field of game creation, or one's based around it. The college I would choose would have to be Wake Tech due to their program that is based around the process and formation of video games. With that process I would try to pursue a degree in game design. For a place of work I would choose would be somewhere like Bungie or Riot games, because I vary much enjoy the work they both produce.   

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